Okay, so sometimes I admit that I am a slacker Mom. I guess I am no longer in the denial phase. I've moved on to acceptance. What comes next? I can' t remember what's after acceptance. Is it learning and becoming better or is it depression? Oh well, I guess I 'll let you know, if I ever move past this phase. Right now I'm feeling pretty comfortable in the let it be phase.
I guess I have come to realize gradually and sometimes very obviously that I am a slacker Mom. How did I become this way? When Benson was little I used to spend almost every waking moment playing with him, reading to him, singing silly songs with him. I rarely let him watch TV. And heaven forbid him having dairy or chocolate before he was 1 (okay, I probably ignored the chocolate thing a couple of times). Now my children ask for a Popsicle while they are out playing and I say something like, "haven't you already had 3 today?" But then I let them have it. Why? It's easy? Sugar keeps them happy? It gives me a few minutes to myself? The last is probably the right one. Popsicles are forbidden inside the house. So if they want to eat one they have to go outside. This allows me to have a quiet house. What do I do while it is peaceful and quiet? Do I clean? Do I make beds? Fold laundry? Start dinner? Oh no, you see these are the things that a healthy, committed Mom would do. Remember, I am a 'Slacker Mom'. I often spend that time on the internet or reading a book or who knows what else, but always something self centered and glutinous. (sometimes I like to sneak ice cream or chocolate from the secret stash!...)
Today's confession is simply this: Today I slept in until 9:00. Meanwhile the boys were running the house. Luckily when I woke up there was no cereal trail down the hall, or milk covered kitchen floor. Just 3 happy children watching TV! Maybe they are getting used to the appropriate behavior while Mom is sleeping. Sad, but true.
My name is Mindy West, and I am a slacker Mom!