Friday, March 6, 2009

winter weather advisory

which do you prefer?

that's right. what does it mean? i am tired of winter! you all know that i don't like winter, that i am paralysed by the cold and my depression can easily get out of control when winter lasts too long. well, it's happened. i have reached my limit! all through february i have held on thinking that march was right around the corner, meaning spring. not so in new england... in massachusetts spring does not arrive until at least april. with my "southern" upbringing i am not programmed to wait that long for spring. who came up with the idea for winter anyway? i mean really? does it sound brilliant to you? why does anyplace have to have winter? there are places in this world where winter means 70 degrees and sunny. sounds good to me. why not? so, instead of just complaining i decided to do something about it. my good husband bought tickets for me and eli and ethan and sent us on our way. we are now in sunny arizona, living the good life! i love my girlfriend (yes i have a girlfriend i'm not ashamed to admit it...) cindy for letting me call her one day and fly in the next. i fully intend to go back to massachusetts next week with a suntan or a sunburn, either one so i can say to all of new england that the sun is good, not bad and that winter is for the birds! so, if you are like me and have had enough of this stinky weather, join me in az. there's plenty of sun for everyone!


Jennie said...

We had our third snow day this year a couple of days ago. Today is nice and sunny and I am loving it. Gonna go hang up our new bird feeder we got at the Spring show, maybe work in the yard, and weed.

Anonymous said...

Man, don't I wish I could!!!! I am with you, and this year has been especially hard on me for some reason. You know, weight gain, depression, no motivation etc. . .