Sunday, September 28, 2008

tagging can be fun

okay, sorry kelly that it took me forever and a day to respond to being tagged. but i must admit, i forgot. so thanks to jocelyn for reminding me and tagging me again. so, here it goes:

8 things i'm passionate about.
1: sleep!, i serioiusly sleep way too much, but it never seems like enough. is this some kind of disorder?
2: date night. hello, i either can't get enough of my husband, or i like to get away from the kids-you be the judge...
3: not getting too busy. i really believe that when we get too busy we lose the flexibility to follow the promptings of the spirit.
4: creating: it has been so long since i have had a place to set things up for my creative outlet, but i finally rearranged some things and made myself a spot to stamp, card make & scrapbook again. feel free to join me.
5: ? i honestly don't know. do i really have to be that passionate about 8 things? passionate is pretty strong.
6: family
7: good friends, oh so important.
8: um, seriously.

8 words or phrases i say often.
1: seriously
2: yuck
3: you stink (i have 3 boys...)
4: stop, i'm going crazy!
5: what's for dinner?
6: finish your homework
7: is anybody listening to me?
8: seriously!

8 things i want to do before i die.
1: finish our house
2: more travel
3: see my grandchildren (born to stable, caring parents)
4: shopping spree
5: sleep uninteruppted for as long as i want
6: go to disney world?
7: i don't know
8: are you sensing the frustration of coming up with 8 things over and over?!

8 things i currently want or need.
1: finish our house
2: move into our house tomorrow
3: move into our house today!
4: move into our house yesterday?
5: more sleep
6: a good book
7: a fun trip
8: craft supply $

8 people to tag.
do I know 8 people who even read my blog?
i think i'll skip this 8, it's been fun girls!


Jennifer said... crack me up...let's go to New York City for a day...please. I see that trip is on your list so now I know I won't rest until we gather a group and go.

Jennifer Knight said...

Sleep...I am obsessed with it too.. still jet lagging from the west coast trip. When my oldest boys were little, my SIL and I would fantasize about going away for the weekend - to just SLEEP. Oh, and possibly order stuff from room service too...but mainly just SLEEP.

Right now I'm just trying to stay awake long enough to pick the boys up from Scouts at 8:00.